Pilgrim Survey

We Want Your Feedback White Chat Bubble On Yellow Background - Pilgrim Survey

May we have 5 minutes of your time?

At Pilgrim we want to know what you know about us, what you think about us, what we do well and also what we could do better.

We are currently conducting a short online survey which should take less than five minutes of your time to complete.

We want to hear from you – whether you are a current or past student or have never been involved with the College, whether you are a minister or lay person, whether you are a member of the Uniting Church or not.

The information you provide will be anonymous and will help us build on our strengths and work on any areas we can improve.  This will help in our work as a college and in how we present ourselves both within the Church and beyond, so please be as honest and forthright as possible.

Thank you.

Take the survey