Period of Discernment
In the Uniting Church in Australia, people discerning God’s call in their lives are referred by their congregations and presbyteries into a Period of Discernment (POD). During this time that sense of call is explored and clarified. A POD can lead in a variety of directions, and typically includes some form of theological study.
For information about a Period of Discernment reach out to the Minister of your Congregation, or Contact your Presbytery directly.
As part of your POD you may wish to study at Pilgrim Theological College. Explore one of our courses or audit one of our units.
With support from their presbytery, people who complete a POD with a call to public ministry then proceed on to a Synod Selection Conference. Through this process the wider church calls a person into initial formation for the Diaconate or Ministry of the Word. At that point, Pilgrim welcomes these candidates into our Formation community where they remain under shared oversight with their presbytery, which is the body with authority to ordain.