STUDY - 2024 Course Guide


Pilgrim Theological College in partnership with the Uniting Church Synod of Victoria & Tasmania makes available a range of scholarships to support students undertaking theological study. This funding aims to support access to theological education, and support students pursuing further study and research.

In addition to the scholarships below, the Uniting Church also offers grants for lay people, ministers, and youth, children, and family ministry workers to do discrete units of further study. These are processed quarterly by the Grants Committee. Email -

Scholarship applications close:

1st February (semester 1 intake)
1st July (semester 2 intake).

For scholarship applications or other questions about study at Pilgrim, please contact our registrar.

Erlinda Loverseed - Our Team

Erlinda Loverseed

Undergraduate Scholarships

Under 35’s Scholarship

Pilgrim Theological College offers ten scholarships to UCA young adults to study towards any coursework award (full time, part-time or online). The scholarships will subsidise 50% of the total fees of the award through the University of Divinity. Applicants must be within and recommended by a UCA congregation of faith community.

Complete the UCA Under 35s Application form to apply.

For further guidance, contact the registrar.

Undergraduate Scholarships

Pilgrim offers a further range of scholarships to undergraduate coursework students of exceptional character and academic ability.

Postgraduate Scholarships

Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships

Pilgrim also offers scholarships to offset the cost of tuition fees for postgraduate awards (such as MDiv, MTh). These are awarded on the basis of academic merit and potential contribution to the life of the church. 

Postgraduate coursework scholarships:

  • Isabel Pond Scholarship

For graduates of Pilgrim only:

  • Robert James Brown Scholarship
  • Yule Bequest for study at an overseas university 

Beth Smith Bequest

The Beth Smith bequest supports overseas students from Fiji, Samoa, or Tonga to undertake postgraduate study in Australia (Masters or PhD level). Applicants should be in good standing with their home church and be able to meet the academic requirements of the University of Divinity.

Award of the scholarship is contingent on acceptance into a postgraduate award at Pilgrim Theological College.

To find out more email